Monday, May 25, 2009

Asking for Trouble

Grace has now completed her “Mother’s Day Out” program, which means that she becomes an additional child to juggle during the busy work week. Last Monday my wife went into her office and I had the girls. I made the mistake (?) of scheduling two signing meetings with clients. In addition, I had another client planning to drop by to sign his estate planning documents.

I did of course disclose to the clients that there was a chance for the meeting to be most disruptive. No one seemed to mind and everyone was excited about seeing the girls. I am happy to say that things went better than I expected. Kate was her usual happy self and she either smiled at everyone or slept in her car seat.

Grace was also good and was most polite. While her Daddy explained the documents, she sat in the corner and played with golf balls and a golf towel (I know, strange toys, but she claimed a golf tournament goodie bag of mine as her own). At one point I did feel a little tap on my arm and Grace was standing there next to the conference room table with the towel on her head. She was just beaming and she received the laughs she was looking for from all of us.

I really do appreciate the patience of my office staff and clients that allow me to make the girls a part of my practice.

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